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This is a simple program to convert VHDL source files to HTML. For lack of a good name, it's called XVHTML (Xilinx VHDL to HTML). The syntax highlighting is the same as the Xilinx ISE 4.2i Development Studio. All of the VHDL code on this website has been converted to HTML using this program. The files blue.txt and pink.txt contain all of the words which should be highlighted blue and pink. The files must be alphabetically sorted and each line must contain only one word. All of the VHDL source files (*.vhd) in the VHDL directory are converted to HTML and placed in the HTML directory. This program has been written in C++ and uses the standard Win32 API. Notes: 1) As far as I know this program contains no bugs. However, if you choose to use this program then it is at your own risk. 2) If I am made aware of any bugs I will try to fix them as soon as possible. I will maintain a version history on this webpage. 3) This program can be used and distributed free of charge, but the website address www.craigsarea.com must remain on the main dialog box. 4) If you use HTML generated by this program on your website, I would appreciate it if you create a link to this website (www.craigsarea.com). But you don't have to. I would also like to recive an email just so I know if this program is used or not. 5) If you want to put this program on your website, I would prefer it if you put a direct link to the file on this website. This ensures that the latest version is always downloaded. Again, this is voluntary. I would also like to be notified via email for the same reasons as note 4. 6) The HTML code that is produced does not use style sheets. As a result, the HTML source code does not look very nice (in fact it looks pretty horrible). 7) If you make any worthwhile changes to the source code I will put you name and website (if any) on this page. Your details will also be added to the source code. 8) If you have any suggestions or if you want to be notified of any upgrades, then send me an email at craig_d73@hotmail.com.
DownloadsYou must read the notes before downloading this program.
Version 1.0 (25/07/04)
MS Windows Executable